Message from Mark Ryan, DIA President

Hello members

With the Festive season upon us and the New Year approaching rapidly, I wanted to write briefly about a few things.

I hope, like me, you have seen an increase in sales and incoming orders in the last few months. That maybe formal dresses and suits, press only items, repairs and alterations, quilts and bedspreads or all of the above. This will bring a smile to our faces and enable us to leave 2024 on a good note and shine a brighter light for 2025.

I urge you to try and look past the political turmoil and unrest that is going on both here and abroad but instead focus on what you can control. Get your priorities in order as it too easy these days to get caught up in the business aspects of life.  Close your shops for as long as you feel comfortable and spend that time with the most important things in your life – family and friends.  Slow down, take a break and let the dust settle.

I thank you for being DIA members and part of this ‘family’ and on behalf of the Board of Directors I express our gratitude for putting faith in us to lead the industry into the future.  Should you feel the desire to contribute any way shape or form, we welcome that with open arms. This association runs on the premise that each little contribution adds up to a very large one, collectively.

The board wishes you a very happy and fulfilling festive season. Please, live it up, let your hair down and enjoy Christmas and New Year celebrations, for your small businesses will still be there when you return. The saying goes ‘we don’t live to work but instead work to live’.

On that note, please spare a kind thought for those who have lost their businesses in 2024 either from a fire or other disaster including financial burdens which lead to foreclosure. These people will have a very different 2025 in front of them.

Traditionally, I am not really into the New Year Resolution thing, but I am going to give this a go if you care to join me. See image below.

Yours Sincerely

Mark Ryan

President DIA